We can rebuild him, we can make him stronger.
Gorilla ails. I can hear him crying. I have the technology, I can make him stronger, faster, better than ever before.
In an effort to save space on gorilla, a while ago, I started deleting what I thought was unimportant information. Turns out that a whole lot of what I deleted was critical to portage, and the result was a b0rked ports tree and so much more. It didn't bother me at first because gorilla was all sorted, he didn't need any more applications, and was running like a pearler. Unfortunately, his cron stopped working for some reason, and although I tried my bestest to correct the problem, I was unable to. The simple resolution to re-emerge another cron or the same cron was also quickly aborted after realisation of the portage problem which existed on gorilla.
The next best solution: A reinstallation of Gentoo onto the machine. But this time, because I know what to expect, I can do it better. There was a bit of a dogshow surrounding Gorilla's limited space issues last time, which can be avoided this time, resulting in a smoother installation and post installation of Gentoo.
So far, I have booted him off a Gentoo install CD, and with the files I backed up before reinstallation, have already flashed the new portage tree and it's recompilation of all the necessary packages is imminent. Dealing with an old 2gb (for the root) and 1gb hard drive (for auxillary) is frustrating, but sufficient.
Progress will be documented and blogged. Stay tuned.
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